

2995 Uppsatser om Intimate sexual relationship - Sida 1 av 200

Att ställa frågan om våld i nära relation vid inskrivningssamtalet på en psykiatrisk avdelning : - ett kvalitetssäkringsarbete

Background: Intimate relationship violence is physical, psychological or sexual violence that a person is exposed to in a relationship. There is a strong correlation between intimate relationship violence and mental health problems. A psychiatric ward at a hospital in Sweden, is working with a new routine. According to this routine every new patient should be asked about intmate relationship violence as a part of the admission interview.Objective: The objective of this study was to study how the healthcare personnel is working with the routine, and also to study response rate, interventions and how the work has developed over time.Method: A quantitative study with a retrospective and descriptive studydesign. One hundred and two medical records were reviewed.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexuell lust och sexualliv efter barnafödande

Historiskt sett har mycket förändrats inom den kvinnliga sexualiteten, kvinnorna har gått från att inte ha några rättigheter alls till att under 1900-talet få fler och fler rättigheter. Hjärnan har stor betydelse för den sexuella lusten och många faktorer påverkar kvinnans lust. Påverkande faktorer på kvinnors lust och sexualliv efter att de har fött barn är bland annat fysiska, psykiska och hormonella. Syftet med studien är att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av den sexuella lusten och sexuallivet efter att de har fött sitt första barn. Författarna har intervjuat kvinnor om deras upplevelse av sin sexuella lust samt sexuallivet när barnet var 9-18 månader, då kvinnan förmodas ha uppnått en trygghet i sin föräldraroll.

En litteraturöversikt : Att beskriva vad som påverkar kvinnors sexualitet efter behandling för äggstockscancer

Background: Ovarian cancer affects many women worldwide. Tumors that grow in the genitalia and pelvis have because of its placement a large threat to the sexual ability. Treatment for ovarian cancer may lead to the sexual possibilities inhibited. Sexual health is a state of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being related to sexuality. Sexual health can be experienced in spite of disease, dysfunction or infirmity.

Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott

AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.

Kartläggning av socialtjänstens arbete med våld i nära relationer : - en studie av sju kommuner i nordvästra Stockholm

Intimate partner violence is a problem which is increasingly drawing attention in society. The authority responsible for providing care and support to victims of intimate partner violence and their children is the social services. The purpose of this study was to show how social workers deal with intimate partner violence and to create a description of how this work is currently carried out in seven municipalities in the north-west of Stockholm. This was done through a quantitative survey including all investigating social workers in the municipalities concerned. The results were analysed with concepts from organizational theory.

Tillsammans: men varför? En kvantitativ studie om parrelationer.

Imagine not being able to choose who you are going to be in an intimate relationship with. It used to be like that but the situation has changed - these days we have a lot of different options available to choose for ourselves how to live our lives. We have a lot of different ways to influence how we want to live our lives and with whom we want to share them with.The aim of this study was to examine how individuals feel about their relationship and why they choose to stay in a relationship with their current partner. How do individuals in a relationship feel about aspects including for example conflicts, communication and trust? Is Anthony Giddens theory about the pure relationship applicable on relationships today? To find the answers to these questions we made a quantitative study and used a questionnaire to collect empirical data.

Omhändertagande av våldsutsatta kvinnor ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv - en litteraturstudie

Intimate partner violence is the most common health issue for women between the ages of fifteen to sixty-four in Sweden as well as the majority of European countries according to the United Nations. Aim ? The aim of the study was to illuminate nurses? experiences when caring for women exposed to intimate partner violence. Method ? This thesis was a literature review based on both qualitative and quantitative articles to give as comprehensive a view as possible.

''Jag lever i ett förhållande där min kvinna slår mig'' : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of women's violence against men in intimate relationships, get an idea of ??what forms of expression that this type of violence has and to highlight the men's experiences of violence.There is little scientific research in the field in Sweden. Crime Prevention Council has determined that eight percent of all complaints involving domestic violence in 2010, reported by men over 18 years. You can only speculate on how large number of unreported cases is among abused men. The international studies highlight that the abused men feel ashamed of having been subjected to violence by a female partner.I have been based this essay on two theoretical premises, Per Isdal theory of "violence perspective" and Elaine Bergqvist's definition of the suppression technique.The study was conducted through a qualitative content analysis.

Hur vanligt är det? : Våld i nära relationer: män som offer och kvinnor som förövare. En systematisk litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and that they in many ways doconform to abused women. There are many underlying causes to the violence inclose relationships.

Sexuella trakasserier och identitetsskapande bland unga

Sexual harassments have since long been an issue all over the world and schools have not been an exception. Reports from Swedish secondary schools show how 47% of the female pupils state that they have, sometime during their time in school, been the victim of sexual harassment. Other studies claim that pupils exposed to sexual harassments will develop low self-esteem and a decreased sense of self. The Swedish curriculum state that all children shall have the right to a harassment free school environment, but still many pupils claim to be exposed to sexual harassment in school. Several studies have theorized about why sexual harassment is so prevalent in schools but what do the pupils think? This study aims to reveal and analyze pupil opinions about sexual harassment; what do they think it is and why do they think it occurs? This will be done from a post-structural feminist point of view with focus on the shaping of identity among the respondents.

" ...köra lite på intuition" - Sjuksköterskors attityder och kunskaper om intimt partnervåld - en empirisk studie.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects both men and women, in homo- as well as heterosexual relationships. The most recognized form of IPV is violence against women. The proposition "Kvinnofrid" was approved by the Swedish parliament in 1998 and proposed an extensive effort to increase knowledge and awareness of IPV among occupational groups, mainly in the health care system. These professionals are also often directly involved in the care of victims of IPV. The main purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes and level of knowledge among nurses about violence in an intimate relationship.

Sexuellt våld hos unga - En litteraturgenomgång om unga som skadar sig genom sex och metoder för att förebygga den form av sexuellt våld

SEXUAL VIOLENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS A literature study about adolescents who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence Abstract Adolescents can harm themselves through sex by taking sexual risks such as sexual exposure on the internet, having unprotected sex and put themselves in situations where the potential for sexual violence is great. This type of sexual risk-behavior can create negative consequences and result in physical and mental sexual abuse. The aim of this study is to raise knowledge about youth who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence. To accomplice this we made a general literature study on national and international research. Our study shows that despite the negative consequences, adolescent?s sexual risk-taking continues.

Strategisk användande av sociala medier inom bankbranschen : En studie om informationschefers varumärkestänkande i förhållande till sociala medier

Young men who commit sexual abuse is a complex topic. This study is based on litterature on the subject and the material is processed through a qualitative content analysis. The study aims to study how the litterature describes the reasons why young men commit sexual abuse. It also aims to explore what is described to be effective treatment of young men who committed sexual abuse. The study found that most of the young men who commit sexual abuse comes from families where violence and psycohological abuse occurs. Many have themselves been victims of sexual abuse.

"Hon är ju tjej, tänker man" : Mäns erfarenheter som offer för våld i nära olikkönade parrelationer

Increasing attention has been given to men?s experiences as victims of intimate partner violence in the Western world, mostly in quantitative research, within different research fields. The aim of this research paper is to explore men?sspecific experiences of intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships in a Swedish context, through a gender perspective and with a qualitative research approach. The paper begins by briefly mentioning key findings in existing quantitative and qualitative research, focusing on Sweden.

HIV-positive women?s sexual health: A meta-synthesis of how HIV-positive women experience and describe sexual health

There is no consensus of the concept sexual health in the context of being HIV-positive women. Research in the area tends to focus in different measurable parts of sexual health for HIV-positive women. A meta-synthesis on that research issue can develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of how HIV-positive women in qualitative studies describe and experience sexual health. The purpose with this study is to analyze and synthesize the results about how HIV-positive women describe and experience sexual health. The meta-synthesis follows Noblit and Hare´s method of meta-ethnography and additional use of Walsh and Downe´s checklist to appraise qualitative articles.

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